Introducing a new recycling system to a site
You’ve switched your site to Vegware and confirmed with our Environmental team that you’re in one of our composting regions where clients can access our approved collections. How do you ensure the transition all goes to plan?
Whether your site is a small independent café or large corporate site, introducing any new recycling system can have teething issues. It takes time for your site users – staff and visitors alike – to learn a new system. When the new waste stream is for compostable packaging & food waste, Vegware really wants to help our clients get it right. The last thing we all want is to send contamination to a compost facility. Our collective goal is always quality recycling.
The ‘Quality First’ method
For larger sites, Vegware’s Environmental team recommends clients use the ‘Quality First’ method – as these sites have large numbers of staff, visitors and catering outlets – making them more likely to have contamination during the initial transition.
This method means introducing the compostable products, new waste streams and signage – all of which Vegware supplies to our customers, while monitoring the contamination level closely, and only composting it when the behaviour change has been successful.
This allows sites to troubleshoot and address teething issues within any specific areas, teams or contaminants. This means that if the compostable waste is too contaminated, it will – and should – go to incineration during this transition phase. This eliminates concerns of the composting facility receiving compostables that are mixed in with non-recyclables such as plastic-lined coffee cups or non-compostable sandwich boxes. When incinerated, plant-based PLA releases no volatile gases, and produces more heat than newspaper, wood or food waste.
Once the behaviour change activities have been successful, as shown by waste audits, the good quality stream can then go to the composting facility.
Behaviour change is key
Essentially, behaviour change takes time and key steps must be in place to facilitate the introduction to a new way of recycling. But choosing the right bin – and getting it right – is vital for quality recycling across ALL waste streams.
What can you do to have your site be quick on the uptake for learning the new system? Follow our 5 Steps to Zero Waste to adopt a greener process to your site.
5 steps to zero waste

Click to view a case study from our client, Platform at Argyle Street Arches, to learn more about their experience in launching a new recycling system with Vegware.
Keen to introduce Vegware onto your site? Get in touch today: +44(0) 333 055 400.