Composting with Sustainable Film & Cawleys

With a wealth of experience in film and television production, Amelia Price andJimmy Keeping…

Why we focus on industrial, not home composting

At Vegware, we want to educate everyone about the importance of diverting food waste away from…

St Peter's School York

Composting with St Peter’s School, York

Founded by St. Paulinus of York in AD 627, St Peter's School in York is one of the oldest schools…

Vegware Close the Loop composting collections

Composting Vegware with PIMCO

How it started PIMCO are a global investment management company with offices on Baker Street in…

Vegware's Close the Loop service offers food waste and compostable packaging collections

Close the Loop has had a glow-up!

Our composting service Close the Loop has had a glow-up. Originally, Close the Loop was our own…

Compostable Coalition UK starts large scale composting trial of tonnes of compostable packaging at EnVar UK

14 tonnes of compostable packaging – on trial!

With compostable packaging increasingly in demand, some voices are questioning whether these…

UK EU Single Use Plastics Directive compostable bio-based disposables

The UK & single use plastics bans

Confused about the single use plastics rules in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and now England?…

Vegware are at RWM Letsrecycle Live 2022!

We’re at RWM Letsrecycle Live 2022! 

We’re delighted to be joining other resource and waste management experts from around the country…