London, Brighton & Sussex | Composting webinar

Planning a greener return to workplace catering? On 7th July 2021 we held a free composting webinar for insights into a year of Paper Round’s compostables recycling service in London, Brighton & Sussex.  

 Watch it again, or share with your colleagues. Here’s the video:

On the agenda… 

  • Case studies & waste audit data, exploring successes & overcoming issues – Paper Round, Tom Mockridge 
  • Education & training for a smooth introduction at your site – Vegware, Eilidh Brunton & David Dyce
  • Compostables in the UK today – Bio-Based & Biodegradable Industries Association, David Newman 

Learn how composting could work for you: 

  • How Vegware is composted 
  • How collections work in practice. See real-life customer data and case studies 
  • The role of compostables in the UK today 

Who is it for?

  • Join if you’re:  A catering, waste or sustainability professional  
  • Your sector:  Business & industry; schools, colleges & universities; healthcare; tourism 
  • Located in: London, Brighton & Sussex, UK  

Your organisation may already use compostables, or maybe you are interested in using them in your operations. This composting webinar for London and Brighton promises to be engaging and educational for all. 


Vegware compostable disposable packaging composting Paper Round London Brighton recycling