Simpler Recycling – what you need to know

From 31st March 2025, a new recycling legislation, Simpler Recycling, will come into effect. The…

New workplace recycling rules for Wales

Hello Wales - are you ready for the new workplace recycling rules? From 6th April 2024, most types…

Transparency talks webinar 2: Green Claims Code

In a world increasingly conscious of environmental issues, consumers are demanding transparency and…

UK EPR & compostable packaging – let’s get composting  

Defra has released a consultation open until 9th October 2023 for anyone to comment on a first…

Launching ‘Make the Switch’

We recently conducted a survey to find out if businesses were ready for the UK plastics bans. The…

Plastics bans | Vegware’s alternatives

Confused about plastics bans? Here's at outline of what's banned and the Vegware alternatives you…

UK EU Single Use Plastics Directive compostable bio-based disposables

The UK & single use plastics bans

Confused about the single use plastics rules in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and now England?…

Saltire. Vegware's update on Scotland's single use plastics ban

12th August Scottish ban on plastic cutlery – including CPLA and PLA 

Here’s an important update for Scotland – please read this carefully and share with all your…